Friday, April 3, 2009

2 in a row!

Yes, that's right. I came home from work at 5:30 today, changed, stretched, and went running! I was a little sore, but i ran the full 1.5 anyway. My goal was to go a little faster. It's hard because i start at the bottom of a 100ft climb, so that wears me out from the start if I'm going too fast. I had a little cramp in my side after the first 2 mins, so I slowed down slightly. Still, I did a mile in 11:09. Not great, but probably better than average. I want to get that done to 10 mins, even with the hill.

My final time for 1.5 miles? 15:14. Not bad. Maybe next time I can be under 15. Today was perfect running weather - about 60 and sunny when I started. After a mile, I got caught in a bit of a storm. It only lasted a minute, but for that minute I was running against some strong wind and driving rain. I was funny looking - clutching my iPod to my chest to protect it from the rain.

Oh yeah, and my weight was 158.? today. I forget what the "?" was. I think it was like 7 or something on the higher end of the spectrum. But 158 is good. I'm fine with that. Better than that scary 164 when i first weighed myself after buying the scale. I guess that was false. Onward and for the weight. And downward for the time. But upward for the distance ran. Yeah, you get the point.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


When my girlfriend (Kelly) was here last week, she made me run.  We were going to stop after a mile but I said something to the effect of "no, we are doing 1.5, cause you're actually here to make me do it".  We did the 1.5 in just over 16 mins (i think it might have been closer to 17).  But we did it.

I haven't run since then.  I was going to go yesterday, but it was cold and rainy.  Last time I tried that, I had an allergy attack.  So instead, I went and bought a scale to keep track of my weight.  This morning I was 159.4.  So there is my benchmark.  I guess i'd like to get to 150, but honestly, the weight isn't the issue.  It's fat.  I have no muscle mass, so all my excess weight is bodyfat.  Thus the running.

I was going to go today.  However, after going to the store and driving with my windows open, my allergies had made me all stuffy and my throat tight.  So I thought no run.  But then i said screw it, I need to do this.  So I changed out of my work clothes, and even though it would mean taking shower #2 for the day, I ran.  I did the same route as I did with Kelly - 1.5 miles.  I did it in 15:48.  I think my plan is to keep doing this route until I get is under 14 minutes and it seems easy.  Then go longer.  I may only run once or possibly twice a week - and I'll probably stop when it's 90 degrees out...but it's a starting point!